XB23043 书包
LOGO:可定制 产品:背包 面料:牛津布 主面料:涤纶 尺寸:45X30X14CM LOGO:Customizable Product:Backpack Material:oxford fabric Main fabric: Polyester Size:45X30X14CM
3D设计器是指在实时三维模型的支持下,客户可以根据自己的需求对产品进行个性化定制的互动工具,用户可以自己观察和调整,并根据定制的成本进行估算,最终为客户带来更具吸引力的创意。通过这项服务,客户可以从各个角度观察产品,并定制产品属性,如材料、颜色、图案等。应用 3D 设计器,客户可以在任何设备上实时观看您的产品转换,而且这一过程无需任何插件,非常方便。
3D online design system.
3D Configurator is an interactive tool that allows customers to personalize their products according to their needs with the support of a real-time 3D model, which allows users to observe and adjust themselves and estimate the cost of customization, which ultimately leads to more attractive ideas for customers. With this service, customers can observe products from all angles and customize product attributes such as material, color, and pattern. Applying the 3D Configurator, customers can watch your product transformations in real time on any device and the process is very convenient as no plug-ins are required.
Our application of advanced design methods can help you fast new product development and shorten the drawing time to the manufacturing process.